Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Questioner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Questioner - Essay Example 3. I am a relentless person, I do not believe in giving up. Interior decoration is my passion, albeit discovered late in life. If I don’t get into the program, I will look for ways to express and expand on my interest, probably start a dà ©cor blog, and share and discuss ideas with other people. 4. My calling for interior decoration came after I had already gotten a professional MIS degree. Although I have always had a very attuned aesthetic sense, it was not until I found work with a furniture and interiors company, assisting with chalking up layouts and designs that I really began to enjoy my work. I enjoyed dealing with different spaces and working with clients and their respective lifestyles. Details fascinate me. How a single streak of colour can change the way an entire space feels, is an amazing experience, and a very gratifying feeling. I admit, working professionally as an interior decorator will require a lot of hard work and persistence, however, I feel that I already live, eat & breathe design. As Confucius said, â€Å"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your

Monday, October 28, 2019

Fresh Water Essay Example for Free

Fresh Water Essay The greatest similarity between fresh and salt water is that both are basically the same chemical water, although the contents of other materials dissolved in it differ. Both contain some amount dissolved chemical in it though the quantities vary. Both form different links in the water cycle of the nature. Both are homes to aquatic life. Difference: Salt water contains much higher quantities of dissolved chemicals as compared to fresh water. This higher concentration of chemical also raises the density of salt water above that of fresh water. Plant and animals living in two types of water bodies are different. Salt water is found only as large standing bodies of water. Most of these are in form of seas and oceans, although though some lakes including very large ones considered to be sea also contain salt water. Fresh water is found in standing bodies of water called lakes, as well as running water as in rivers and streams. Fresh water is available in many other forms such as in rain, and ice caps in the poles and in very cold places. However no fresh water is found in seas and oceans. Fresh water is used for drinking as well as many industrial processes. However salt water is generally not suitable for most of the industrial use except for cooling. On the other hand salt water is used as a source of some chemicals, particularly common salt. Freshwater does not yield any such chemicals. Comparing Fresh water and ocean water, each has their differences. Most notable is animals living in each. The animals that live in the Salt ocean water would not survive in fresh water for an extended length of time. Same holds true for fresh water animals. However there are a few species that have adapted and can live in both. Some Salt water animals have also evolved to live in Fresh water. Humans cannot drink ocean water without dying. The salt in it dehydrates you to the point you die of thirst. In order to drink ocean water you have to desalinate it in one of many ways. Boiling it being one way. Ocean water also contains every natural element on the planet. If we could find a way to mine the water that is cost effective, we would have a lot more resources. Ocean water freezes at 26 degrees F and fresh at 32. While only 6 degrees difference in water terms that is huge. It prevents a vast amount of the oceans from freezing over in the winter, of course global warming has helped with that. As for your comment of only 3% of the worlds oceans is fresh water, it is very true. While there is a lot of surface area of fresh water the oceans are miles deep. The deepest point on Earth is approx 35,000ft below sea level or about 6. 75 miles down. Many of the deepest lakes only hit about 2000 to 3000 ft deep. Also when you compare the surface area of the fresh water bodies comparies to the oceans there isnt much. The great lakes between Canada and the USA contain 20% of all fresh water on the planet. That is enough water to cover the entire USA with 9. 5 feet of water. When compared to the oceans that isnt much. So dont be surprised. Fresh water is lighter than salt water. Therefore, fresh water floats on top of salt water. This principle becomes extremely important when considering the drilling of a well in order to tap into the ground water of any island. The weight of the rain water that percolates into the ground depresses the salt water beneath it forming a profile that has the appearance of a lens. This is called the Ghyben-Herzberg lens. The principle of this relationship was discovered independently by a Dutch scientist named Baden-Ghyben and a German scientist named Herzberg. The underground boundary that separates the fresh water layer from the salt water is not a sharp boundary line. In reality, this boundary is a transition zone of brackish water (fresh/salt mixture). This is caused by seasonal fluctuations in rainfall, tidal action, and the amount of water being withdrawn either by humans or by natural discharge. Fresh water has a density of 1. 0 while salt water has a density of 1. 025. From this, you can see that salt water is slightly heavier than fresh water. The ratio between the two is 41:40. The formation of the Ghyben-Herzberg lens has a profound effect upon the availability of fresh water on an island. This principle essentially states that for every foot of ground water above sea level there are forty feet of fresh water below sea level! The mathematical formula for the fresh to salt water relationship is: hs = hf / es ef where hs is the depth of fresh water below sea level, hf is the depth of fresh water above sea level, es is the density of salt water, and ef is the density of fresh water. Using the common density figures for fresh and salt water the formula can thus be simplified into hs = hf / . 025 Understand that this applies only to fresh ground water that is sitting directly on an intruded body of salt water. It has no meaning on a large island where an inland body of ground water may be confined by layers and dikes of lava rock. On islands that are largely composed of dense lava rock, little if any salt water intrudes very far into the underlying rock structure. It is generally only in shoreline regions that salt water intrudes into the cracks, crevices, and loose rock spaces. On low, small islands that are largely composed of coral or other porous materials, salt water intrusion into the underlying interior is quite common. The drilling or digging of wells on these islands and especially on along the shoreline must be done with care. Going too deeply will penetrate the transition zone and result in salt water infiltration and the contamination of the fresh water in the well. I have seen such a well dug in solid lava rock along the shoreline in the Ka u District on the island of Hawai‘i. This well was located a few feet above the high tide line approximately a hundred feet from the ocean. The opening was rectangular, about 3 1/2 feet wide, and 6+ feet long. On one end a set of stairs had been cut into the rock allowing one to walk down five or six feet to the level of the well water. This well was unused as there are no dwellings or settlements in the immediate area. In fact, the area was considered to be range land where a few head of cattle managed to find enough to eat in this dry, desert-like environment. The size and construction of the well indicated that at one time it may have served a considerable number of people and possibly even an old Hawaiian village. Unfortunately the well had been abandoned and neglected. It contained a fair amount of decaying leaves and grass. There was also a considerable amount of broken glass from beer bottles that had been thrown against the interior sides of the well. This was probably done by shore fishermen who frequented the area from time to time and used the well as a convenient trash dump during evening camping parties. Nonetheless, the well serves as an excellent example of the Ghyben-Herzberg lenss importance to the availability of fresh water in a place where one might think that none can be found. I already had listed some differences of salt water versus fresh water so here are some similarities;

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Irony in Pride and Prejudice Essay -- Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice is one of the most popular novels written by Jane Austen. This romantic novel, the story of which revolves around relationships and the difficulties of being in love, was not much of a success in Austen's own time. However, it has grown in its importance to literary critics and readerships over the last hundred years. There are many facets to the story that make reading it not only amusing but also highly interesting. The reader can learn much about the upper-class society of this age, and also gets an insight to the author's opinion about this society. Austen presents the high-society of her time from an observational point of view, ironically describing human behavior. She describes what she sees and adds her own comments to it in a very light and easy way. She never seems to be condescending or snubbing in her criticism but applies it in a playful manner. This playfulness, and her witty, ironic comments on society are probably the main reasons that make this no vel still so enjoyable for readers today. Some rules and characteristics depicted in the story seem very peculiar and are hard to conceive by people of our generation. Nevertheless, the descriptions of the goings-on in that society are so lively and sparkling with irony that most people cannot help but like the novel. Jane Austen applies irony on different levels in her novel Pride and Prejudice. She uses various means of making her opinion on 18th century society known to the reader through her vivid and ironic descriptions used in the book. To bring this paper into focus, I will discuss two separate means of applying irony, as pertaining to a select few of the book's characters. The novel is introduced by an omniscient narrator, unknown to the reader... ...ual way of life. He even finds his humor again, so much as to write a letter to Mr. Collins, when it is resolved that Elizabeth will marry Mr. Darcy. He writes: I must trouble you once more for congratulations. (p. 277). This is clearly ironic, because congratulations for the marriage of Wickham and Lydia must have been perceived as sheer mockery, or as congratulations for having reduced the embarrassment as much as possible by legitimating their relationship. His comparison of this marriage with Elizabeth's pleasant marriage is his cynical way of looking at the world. These are only a few examples of how Austen uses irony in Pride and Prejudice. There is much more to say about this topic: this serves only as a brief discussion. My references are made to this edition: Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Modern Library Edition, Random House Inc., 2005.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Impact of Social Idealogy on Virginia Woolfs To The Lighthouse Ess

The Impact of Social Idealogy on Woolf's To the Lighthouse     Ã‚   Throughout literature the ideology of the society in which the author was living is evident in the text. This can cause certain groups within a text to be empowered while the other groups are marginalised and constrained by the social restrictions placed upon them by the ideology. In the novel To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf, Woolf shows us an awareness of gender politics during the 1920 ¹s Britain by subverting the traditional gender roles but at the same time naturalises notions of class causing certain groups to be constrained.    In the novel Woolf subverts the patriarchial portrayal of feminism with the character of Lily Brascoe. Lily is constructed as an independent character who defies the ingrained beleifs of how a woman should act. She does this through her actions in a different style despite Mr Tansley ¹s assertion that Å’women can ¹t write, women can ¹t paint ¹ and refuses to marry even though it was a popular belief that all women should marry Å’as an unmarried woman has missed the best of life ¹. Instead Lily thought that that 'she did not need to marry, thank heaven she did not need to undergo that degradation. Woolf applauds this attitude, as at the completion of the novel, Lily is one of the few characters who has achieved fulfilment or in her case the completion of a painting begun ten years prior.    Yet although the character of Lily and her decisions are applauded in the text, Lily is only enabled to have such an attitude because of her status as a member of the wealthier class. In the novel, class is viewed more as a benign structure for the common good than as a structure in which the members of the higher ... ...t notions of class, class and gender were so closely intertwined that men and women of wealthier classes within the text were often privileged while those of the lower class found themselves constrained by the gender roles pertaining to them. This is often the case as in a particular ideology, as gender roles vary for different social background.    Works Cited and Consulted Jameson, Fredric. " Social Idealogy in Woolf's To the Lighthouse" Twentieth Century Literature, Spring 1994 v40 n1 p15. Latham, Jacqueline, ed. Critics on Virginia Woolf. Florida: University of Miami Press, 1970. O'Brien Schaefer, Josephine. Reality in the Novels of Virginia Woolf. The Hague: Mouton and Co., 1965, pp. 111-13, 118-25. (Latham, pg. 72-78). Woolf, Virginia. To the Lighthouse. Introduction by D.M. Hoare, Ph.D. London: J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1960   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Peter Skyrznecki Essay

Our idea of belonging is a result of the choices that we make. We feel a sense of acceptance wherever we choose to belong. This is explored in Peter Skrzyneckis poem Feliks Skrzynecki and St Patricks showed the ides of alienation and belonging. They are shown through various techniques such as an allusion, direct speech and many more poetic techniques. Feliks Skrzynecki is a poem that shows a tribute to Peter Skrzyneckis father. Through the use of powerful and vivid imagery, the poet successfully conveys Feliks as a man who is comfortable, content and secure in his own identity. In this poem, concepts of belonging and not belonging occur within place, family, community and culture. The first stanza emphasizes the idea of belonging. Feliks sets standards ‘of his own minds making’. He is comfortable in belonging to his own world, his garden, family and cultural heritage. This is further emphasized through the use of the simile ‘ loved his garden like an only child’ which demonstrates the love he possessed for his garden. The garden can also be interpreted as Feliks constructed world: a place he escapes to in order to feel a sense of belonging. The garden is also the reward for his hard work. Skrzynecki’s poem ‘St. Patricks College’ displays how a sense of belonging is influenced by external forces. For someone to belong to something they must make their own decisions in life, understand their surroundings and build relationships with those around them. These qualities are lacked by Skrzynecki in ‘St. Patrick’s College’ which resulted in him not belonging. Skrzynecki was sent to this school because his mother was ‘only wanting, â€Å"what was best†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. The direct speech is a cliche as every parent wants what is best for their child. The irony of the situation was that ‘for eight years’ sending Skrzynecki to St. Patrick’s College ‘Wasn’t â€Å"for the best†. He did not understand the ways of the school which led to his lack of belonging. The repetition of the phrase ‘for eight years’ reinforces how long the alienation and detachment lasted for, the feeling of not belonging did not change for eight years. The use of the personal pronoun ‘I’ throughout the poem gives a dreary, detached tone which emphasises his loneliness. No relationships with students, teachers or anyone else at the school were formed over his time there. The time at the school was useless as highlighted by ‘I could say the lord’s prayer in Latin, all in one breath. ’ He claims that as what he received from eight years at the school, a useless skill. Skrzynecki found it so hard to belong to St. Patrick’s College because the decision to go to the school was not his own, he did not understand his surroundings and he did not build any relationships with those around him. In Conclusion the ability to belong can be affected by understanding, choices, culture, relationships and experience. In the poem â€Å"Feliks Skrzynecki† showed the sense of belonging in the respective place, like his garden. In contrast, the poem â€Å"St Patricks College† showed that Skrzynecki lacked in building any relationship with those around him. Peter Skrzynecki used various to show the alienation and belonging in the poems â€Å"Feliks Skrzynecki† and St Patricks College†.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Tropic Of Cancer

Tropic Of Cancer Henry Miller was born in New York on December 26, 1891. He moved to Paris on March 4, 1930 to become a successful writer. His work, †Tropic Of Cancer†, is probably one of the most unique, bizarre, and hilarious novels ever written in the history, and it is considered his premier work. In this autobiographical story, he portrayed his life in Paris, talked about whores he slept with, and spoke ill of his friends. He used a tremendous number of sexual, racial, and obscene expressions in the story. His writing style was distinct from that of other well-educated authors in that it was just like street talk. Because of theses explicit sexual expressions, this book was banned in all English-speaking countries until 1961. What was he trying to tell us through the two hundred eighty six pages of *censored*? As the readers flip the pages, they will find the following deep meanings behind the story: 1) he railed against the old conformity and tried to start the sexual revolution, 2) he condemned materialism and taught us the meaning of happiness, and 3) he portrayed the importance of time and its transience. By explicitly portraying his sex life, Henry Miller rebelled against the old conformity and attempted to make a change in people’s phobic attitude towards sex. Although ancient Romans or Greeks had considered human sexuality as an art, the majority of the world had become allergic to these kinds of expressions after the fall of the civilizations. At the beginning of the 20th century, some artists and authors began expressing human sexuality in their works. Henry Miller was one of them. In spite of artistic beauty, their works were labeled as obscene because the society was against the expression of human sexuality. Miller railed against America’s sexual schizophrenia and he was rewarded by being banned, burned, pirated, deprived both of his livelihood and his power to reach his potential ... Free Essays on Tropic Of Cancer Free Essays on Tropic Of Cancer Tropic Of Cancer Henry Miller was born in New York on December 26, 1891. He moved to Paris on March 4, 1930 to become a successful writer. His work, †Tropic Of Cancer†, is probably one of the most unique, bizarre, and hilarious novels ever written in the history, and it is considered his premier work. In this autobiographical story, he portrayed his life in Paris, talked about whores he slept with, and spoke ill of his friends. He used a tremendous number of sexual, racial, and obscene expressions in the story. His writing style was distinct from that of other well-educated authors in that it was just like street talk. Because of theses explicit sexual expressions, this book was banned in all English-speaking countries until 1961. What was he trying to tell us through the two hundred eighty six pages of *censored*? As the readers flip the pages, they will find the following deep meanings behind the story: 1) he railed against the old conformity and tried to start the sexual revolution, 2) he condemned materialism and taught us the meaning of happiness, and 3) he portrayed the importance of time and its transience. By explicitly portraying his sex life, Henry Miller rebelled against the old conformity and attempted to make a change in people’s phobic attitude towards sex. Although ancient Romans or Greeks had considered human sexuality as an art, the majority of the world had become allergic to these kinds of expressions after the fall of the civilizations. At the beginning of the 20th century, some artists and authors began expressing human sexuality in their works. Henry Miller was one of them. In spite of artistic beauty, their works were labeled as obscene because the society was against the expression of human sexuality. Miller railed against America’s sexual schizophrenia and he was rewarded by being banned, burned, pirated, deprived both of his livelihood and his power to reach his potential ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga Essay Example

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga Essay Example The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga Paper The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga Paper In society, the standard for success is extremely high and sometimes overwhelming. Everyone has the same goals, but not everyone has the means or the opportunity to reach them. In high school, specifically, times are hard. Students are treated like kids but expected to make adult decisions about their lives. To most people, including myself, being successful is having money and power. But being successful is being happy. That’s because most young people are not happy with the stress and pressure put on them by adults to be successful. Success should not be defined by an admission to college or by numbers, it should be defined by whether the person really gained something of value. Society’s standards for success are illustrated through many different platforms such as literature, movies, and everyday interactions. In some parts of the world, the idea of success is only fantasy because the system instills that the poor will always be poor and the rich will get richer. Balram, from Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger, describes the government system in India as â€Å"a . Joke† because of the strict caste system. He was born into a poor family in a town that was nicknamed, â€Å"the darkness of India,† where he was surrounded by people who truly believes that they will never amount to anything. Most people in his hometown have only one standard of success: money. Balram is different because getting out of â€Å"the darkness† is what he considers successful. He celebrates wearing a uniform, rather than his old, raggedy clothes, and having a bed to sleep in, rather than sleeping on the streets. Although his uniform is old, and his bed is bug infested and dirty, he remains grateful. Balram knows that the only way he can move up in his society is to do something drastic, like killing his employer. It is evident that everyone is not granted the same opportunities simply because of where they live, or their ethnicity. For many years, America’

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Amazon Value Proposition Essays

Amazon Value Proposition Essays Amazon Value Proposition Essay Amazon Value Proposition Essay Its value proposition was mainly the ease of election and convenience to the book lovers and they translated the same value in the other segments after diversifying. Its revenue model is Sales revenue model as it derives its revenue from selling of goods, information and services. It also derives a majority of its sales from third party sellers who sell product on Amazon. Process followed and issues faced while selecting the company: Before starting with which company to pick for, tried to understand about the history of the e-commerce as discussed in detail in class. Then, searched to find some of the best known e-commerce companies. There were issues like there is too much information on the internet and there is not one particular company which one can find complete to understand at this junction of the course. Have taken this particular company because of its repeated reference in all the books and lectures. Also, another reason for picking up this company is that Amazon does not only act in the ICC domain but also EBB. Along with that it was a first mover in its market place so it will be interesting to know how they managed it. My objective will be to understand its current value proposition and revenue model. Talking about revenue model, noticed one thing that although it is primarily sales revenue model but it also allows companies to advertise their products by paying to be listed as featured products. So, is it purely a sales model or has an essence of advertising model also? This question will try to understand in detail. One other objective which I would like to cover in this course is that in year 201 3, it entered Indian e-commerce market as Amazon. In. The difference in he Indian scenario is that due to regulatory hurdles, it can not own any of the merchandise it sells. So, it primarily acts as a sales channel. Therefore, it will be interesting to study how they will tweak their business model to stay competitive against local and established players like Flippant, Snappers etc.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Macro and micro environment of clarks shoe company Essay

Macro and micro environment of clarks shoe company - Essay Example Thus they moved the entire production overseas meanwhile maintain their high standards. Clarks Shoe Company maintained their marketing strategies according to the latest world trends. Their marketing campaigns such as ‘Act your shoe size, not your age’ and ‘Enjoy Every Step’ has upheld the glory of this company ( 2012). The company adjusted their strategies and made their important decisions keeping in view its micro and macro environment. The micro environment of a company is the ‘internal factors’ that affect a company’s ability to serve their customers. These factors are the company’s departments such as finance, marketing, research and development, accounting and purchasing operations. Others include the suppliers, the marketing intermediaries, competitors, publics and the customer markets. On the other hand the macro environment of a company is the ‘outside factors’ that include the economy, demographics, technology, culture, politics and natural forces. In this essay I will highlight the micro and macro environment of the Clarks Shoe company and how to gain online sales of our shoes. In order to emerge as a successful company, produce a high quality of product, deliver it to the client and receive a positive response from them, every department needs to work together a team. If we want to gain more customers who buy our shoes online we need to start with the marketing depa rtment who has to do effective marketing that can attract online customers. Right now our sales of Clarks Shoes are going very well and the company can put in the finance required for increased marketing. The company needs to keep up with the computer and internet age as it did in the nineties. Nowadays as time becomes a rarity, more and more people are opting for online shopping. According to the latest research the online retail industry will amount to over 270 billion dollars in 2015 (Wauter, 2011). In 2012 more than 242 million Chinese people

Friday, October 18, 2019

Basic Quantitative Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Basic Quantitative Analysis - Essay Example The glossary- like essay is prepared based principally on the typical book by Paul C. Cozby titled Methods in Behavioral Research. Some other established and authentic books are also cited. It is used to compare between two or more individual students of two or more divisions, classes or schools or the performance of two or more classes or schools, or the performance of an individual under two or more dissimilar testing conditions in terms of possession of some attributes or characteristics. Gravetter, Forzano (2008) assert that when the data is presented not in numerical values we have no alternative other than comparing the proportions or percentiles (p.452). In order to compare the achievements of two individuals or groups, the means are compared. It is possible when the scores are distributed in numerical figures. We compare mean score first, and then we do means. Contrary to both, in co relational study, we compare two variables for each and every individual, included in a particular group, and the score of different groups. If the data is numerical we resort to co relational studies, if not we use chi-square. (p.453) The name pie chart is given to a circle diagram. In determining the circumference of a circle we have to take into consideration a quantity known as ‘pie’. In this form of graphical representation, the data is represented through the sections or portions of circle. It is a graph in which frequencies are represented by bars, arranged one touching the next. The height of the bar will represent the frequency of the class. The area of the rectangle is proportionate to its frequency. In this way the total area of a bar graph which includes all those rectangular bars will represent the total frequency or ‘N’. A polygon is a many-sided closed figure. A frequency polygon is a graphic representation of a given frequency distribution. In this graph, the midpoints of the classes are plotted on the X-axis, to

Critical review of article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Critical review of article - Essay Example This type of stereotyping has had adverse affect on men’s healthcare and alienated men from healthcare. He stresses the need for new healthcare and policies for men that are without any biases and tailored to need their particular requirements be they children, young men or grandfathers. Published by Earthscan in 2005, London J.J Macdonald’s book â€Å"Environments for Health† contains many arguments on the affect of social environments on health and in â€Å"A salutogenic approach to men’s health† (Ch. 6) he focuses on men’s healthcare. For Macdonald salutogenic health includes psychological and environmental factors, encompassing an interest in the lives of people: their physical, emotional, fiscal and cultural environment. Macdonald believes that any public health approach should address the needs for prevention of disease and access to health care of all categories including children, women, elderly people or men. He feels men’s health is a neglected field. He concentrates on the issue of men’s healthcare and the biases surrounding it. It is rather that in any population health approach one should adopt an overall systems look at the needs for prevention and access to care of different groups in their own right, whether children, women, older people or men. An objective view of the health needs and status of any population will lead to the inclusion of men’s health issues as a matter of course. He concentrates on the social position of men vis-à  -vis their health, how factors like stress, status, poverty, violence and gender bias negatively affect provision of necessary healthcare. (Macdonald, 2005) The first thing Macdonald notes is that men’s healthcare is focused on disease rather than men in general and that men are perceived to â€Å"behave badly† i.e. the general stereotyping of men is that they are violent, abusive and neglectful of their bodies and health.. So heart

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Aircraft Maintenance Training Needs Coursework

Aircraft Maintenance Training Needs - Coursework Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 4. PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA . 45 Presentation of the study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . 60 SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 THE FINDINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Testing Hypothesis No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Testing Hypothesis No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Testing Hypothesis No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Testing Hypothesis No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Testing Hypothesis No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Testing Hypothesis No. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Testing Hypothesis No. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Abstract The interest of this dissertation is to ascertain the needs of aircraft maintenance training in both the commercial and light aviation sectors in the U K. Apparently there is huge shortage of licensed engineers as per... The aerospace industries which is at the forefront of wealth production worldwide, and continue to be of crucial importance to the economic strength of the UK rely on skills in a sound understanding of engineering and science areas relating to aircraft design and manufacture. Avionics institutions productions and outputs in terms of graduates in the field of engineering were surveyed by way of mailed questionnaires to gain the perspective on the prospects of manpower supply to satisfy the demand for avionics engineers. It was also geared towards awareness of the limiting factors confronting potential candidates for training. The study revealed that: all male composed the aircraft maintenance engineers' population; Most of the respondents were 36 - 40 years old (16 or 53.33 %) which is the highest value, and it is in close proximity to the retirement age; Majority of the respondents were married; Majority of the respondents were bachelor's degree holder only; The present numbers of master's degree holder and post graduate degree holder will increase in the near future; Minimal numbers of qualified aircraft maintenance engineers are in the UK airlines; The higher is the educational attainment of the respondents, the lower is their frequency; The respondents know that there is aircraft maintenance training in

The Castle of Otranto Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Castle of Otranto - Essay Example However, at some point she could also be seen as one who deliberately chose to be blind to her unreciprocated feelings toward her husband and has thus fooled herself to believing that Manfred simply did not like her to worry about difficult situations. For instance, it has been expected that when Conrad died, the family members should be the ones gathering together to comfort each other. Hippolita was very worried about her husband so she sent her daughter to his side but she was driven away. Instead, Conrad’s fiancà ©e, Isabella, was summoned and without any inkling, Hippolita sent the young princess to her husband and never thought ill of her husband. The above-mentioned attitude of Hippolita may be understandable at such an emotional moment however her character is questioned at a time when she is able to think more clearly about her family’s affairs. When Manfred suggested that Matilda should be married to Prince Frederic, the woman later learned of the evil plans of the prince. Everything fell into place as she learned that Manfred had plans of divorcing her as â€Å"the recollection of Manfred’s late ambiguous discourses confirmed what she heard† (p. 79). Nevertheless, instead of trying to save her marriage or her daughter from a future she did not like to live, Hippolita used all her influence on her daughter to give in to the desires of her father. It is this event that puts into question how Hippolita claims to feel toward her daughter especially when she learns that Matilda is in love with the young Theodore. For a modern individual, it is quite difficult to comprehend a doting mother to let her child suffer a long-term relationship that can rob her daughter of the happiness she should experience with the man she loves. Having herself experienced a difficult life with her husband, Hippolita should be the first to understand and foresee what Matilda

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Aircraft Maintenance Training Needs Coursework

Aircraft Maintenance Training Needs - Coursework Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 4. PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA . 45 Presentation of the study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . 60 SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 THE FINDINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Testing Hypothesis No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Testing Hypothesis No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Testing Hypothesis No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Testing Hypothesis No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Testing Hypothesis No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Testing Hypothesis No. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Testing Hypothesis No. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Abstract The interest of this dissertation is to ascertain the needs of aircraft maintenance training in both the commercial and light aviation sectors in the U K. Apparently there is huge shortage of licensed engineers as per... The aerospace industries which is at the forefront of wealth production worldwide, and continue to be of crucial importance to the economic strength of the UK rely on skills in a sound understanding of engineering and science areas relating to aircraft design and manufacture. Avionics institutions productions and outputs in terms of graduates in the field of engineering were surveyed by way of mailed questionnaires to gain the perspective on the prospects of manpower supply to satisfy the demand for avionics engineers. It was also geared towards awareness of the limiting factors confronting potential candidates for training. The study revealed that: all male composed the aircraft maintenance engineers' population; Most of the respondents were 36 - 40 years old (16 or 53.33 %) which is the highest value, and it is in close proximity to the retirement age; Majority of the respondents were married; Majority of the respondents were bachelor's degree holder only; The present numbers of master's degree holder and post graduate degree holder will increase in the near future; Minimal numbers of qualified aircraft maintenance engineers are in the UK airlines; The higher is the educational attainment of the respondents, the lower is their frequency; The respondents know that there is aircraft maintenance training in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sexual Discrimination Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Sexual Discrimination - Case Study Example Sergeant Williams, a churchwarden at St Augustine's was uneasy that an acknowledged homosexual should be working as a caretaker at the parish school. He voiced his concerns to the school's head teacher who brought the matter to a meeting of the school's governing body. They endorse Sergeant Williams' concerns and advise that Jeffrey's contract should be terminated. This year, in the local police station, Desk Sergeant Williams took Jeffrey's statement reporting the fact that his flat has been broken into and several valuable items have been stolen, which statement also revealed Jeffrey's sexual orientation. Sergeant Williams, who was also a churchwarden of St. Augustine, reported his concerns of having an acknowledged homosexual working as the parish school caretaker to the school head teacher. Jeffrey's employment contract was terminated by the head teacher after the school's board of governors endorsed Sergeant Williams' concerns. Jeffrey filed the present application for injunctive relief to prevent the school administration from implementing the dismissal decision as well as appeal the same with prayer claiming for additional damages over and above the notice period for the period that the statutory dismissal or disciplinary procedure would have taken. The Employment Act 2002... injunctive relief to prevent the school administration from implementing the dismissal decision as well as appeal the same with prayer claiming for additional damages over and above the notice period for the period that the statutory dismissal or disciplinary procedure would have taken. II. LAW - Relevant Domestic and European Community Law, Convention and Practice i. Under the Employment Act 2002: The complainant employee alleges that the dismissal impinges upon his rights under s.35 of the Employment Act 2002: the right to procedural fairness through the internal dismissal procedure to determine whether there are extant grounds to dismiss the employee; the right to accompaniment or assistance by a trade union representative or work colleague; and The right to appeal the grievance decision. The complainant's rights under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 are asserted to be also violated. The Employment Act 2002 (Dispute Resolution) Regulations 2004 requires that the employer afford the employee the procedural fairness through internal dismissal/disciplinary procedures. The Employment Act 2002 (Dispute Resolution) Regulations 2004 provides, inter alia: Application of dismissal and disciplinary procedures 3. -(1) Subject to paragraph (2) and regulation 4, the standard dismissal and disciplinary procedure applies when an employer contemplates dismissing or taking relevant disciplinary action against an employee. (2) Subject to regulation 4, the modified dismissal procedure applies in relation to a dismissal where- (a) the employer dismissed the employee by reason of his conduct without notice, (b) the dismissal occurred at the time the employer became aware of the conduct or immediately thereafter, (c)

Social and political doctrine Essay Example for Free

Social and political doctrine Essay Fascist theorists, repeating one of Mussolinis convictions, maintained that every social and political doctrine revolved around a specific conception of man and society. If this is true, Fascisms doctrine gravitated around a normic conception of man and society which Fascist theoreticians themselves variously charecterized as organic, solidaristic, or communalistic in order to distinguish it from the liberal coception to which Fascism was intransigently opposed. Before the advent of Fascism, both syndicalists and nationalists referred to their general conception of man and society as organic ;that is to say, society was understood to constitute a system, an integrated network of recurrent norm- governed interpersonal behavior patterns, coprehensive and differentiated enough to be self- sufficient with respect to the functional equirements of its members, and capable of long- term persistence. The individual was understoo to be a functioning component of a self-regulating social system. He was conceived as a determinate person only insofar as he assumed functions within the structure of relations which preceded his role occupancy and which would persist beyond it. For Fascists to speak of a social system, of integration, of norm governance, and of pattern persistence implied the existence of a central and sovereign agency of control and regulation: the state. Thus, in one of the early systematizations of Fascist doctrine, Giovanni Corso could maintain that society, law, and state are inseparable notions. The one is intrinsic to the other:. In 1935, Stefano Raguso insisted that even  the simplest community of men is inconceivable unless sustained by an active principle of organization [and] this principle of organization consists in the subordination to a sovreign, political power. This relationship had already been systematized in 1927 by Corrado Gini, who was a member of the commission studying constitutional reform after Fascisms accession to power. He describes society as a system normally found in evolutionary or devolutionary equilibrium possessed of the capacity of self- conservation and re- equilibrization which finds its highest expressioo in the modern state. Fascist doctrine inherited many conceptions from the sociological traditions of prewar Italy, but it was the conception of the state, which became central to Fascist thought only in 1921, which gave Fascism a specific and determinate character of its own. Thus, Fascists indicated that while the people, sustained by the group building sentiments to which we have alluded, constitute the content of the state, the state is formally defined by its political and juridical functions. Fascists held that, technically speaking, any form of ordered, autonomous associated life was animated by a state. The state is any society or community of men held together by a political nexus. The formal element in the state is its sovereign political and juridical power. The state is the creator of an order, through the medium of law, or norms, that reduces all the component entities to unity and coordinates all activities to a common end. The state is the ultimate repository of force to which all other must, in the final analysis, appeal for regulative sanction. Fascist theorists like Panunzio recognized that organized associations within the state had the capacity to issue rules and regulations governing their collective membership, but they held that such rules and regulations were effective only if they were directly or indirectly sanctioned by the state. That is, it was recognized that association would follow interests, real or fancied, that provided the grounds of identification among men. The imposing rise of economic organizations, specifically the syndicates, was ample evidence of that historic reality. Sects, clubs, cooperatives, cultural association- all constituted interest-fostered, rule-governed association within the state. All were autonomousinsofar as they were capable of governing their  own internal organization by the promulgstion of procedural and substantive rules. The state might not, for whatever reasons, exercise its sovereign right over them. Organizations might continue to function on the strenght of their own capacity to sanction their members. Nonetheless, Fascists insisted, the state is the sole and ultimate source of imperative sanction since the stae has the exclusive right to the regulation of the use of force. In effct, Fascism rejected the thesis that there was any limit, in principle, to the states political and juridical sovereignity. The state was integral, totalitarian. Fascism conceived no interest-economic, educational, religious or cultural- as falling outside its purview. Tere was, consequently, no private as distinct from public interest. This idea found doctrinal expression in Mussolinis aphorism: Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, and nothing against the state. If the term community has as its reference a number of individuals whose behaviour is governed by a normative order, and if the state provides the ultimate sanction that sustains theorder, the state is then understood to constitute  an underlying and essential social reality that is coextensive and coterminous with, and logically prior to, the community. If that community is a nation- a community having a common history and culture, that manifests itself in shared, stable, and habitual preferences and pririties that permit members to share more intimately with each other a wider range of communication than with outsiders- then the nation and the state are, in some critical sense, conflated. In speaking of the state per se one refers to the normative order, and in speaking of the nation one speaks of the collection of living individuals whose behaviour exemplifies that order. The political formula, Costamagna maintained, was a stenographic and sometimes elliptical formula which exressed the ultimate moral basis upon which the legitimation of power of a political class rests. Recognition, on the part of the political mass, of the legitimacy of rule entitles the moral obligation of obedience to rule. Moreover, the political formula provides the hierarchy of values which order the moral universe of the individual. The politica formula provides the content of imperatives and their normative force as well. In terms of the doctrinal language of Fascism, the nation was construed to be the real and the ultimate source of all that was valuable and valued in the individual. The nation was understood to be essentially a norm-governed community. The state was the ultimate source of sanction which, in making the norms operative, made the nation a realiy. In this fashion the state and the nation are identified with the expression stato-nazion. Since the normative system is the constitutive moral substance of the people that constitute the content of the nation-state, the state and the people are identified with the expression stato-  popolo. Since the prevailing normative system is the product of a series of creative acts on the part of historic political elites, and the contemporary political elite is charged with the responsability of sustaining and perpetuating that system and educating the masses to its responsabilities, that elitr organized in a unitary party and that system can be identified with the expression stato-partito. What results is a convenient set of substitutions that permits the nation to be identified with the state, the people and the party. This, in essence, is what Fascism mean by an integral  political system, or totalitarianism. In effect, what was implied was an identification of the ultimate real interests of the nation, the state, the party, and the individual, however divergent their apparent interests. Since the state and the party were effectively identified with the wilol of the man, Mussolini, was via the substitutions above indicated, identified with the nation. It was this identification which charecterized Mussolinis leadership as charismatic; the Duce was conceived as the living and active incarnation of the nation. This conception of charisma entered  official Fascism doctrine, for Michels identified the Regime as charismatuc government, and the official Party manual of 1936 maintained that the charismatic theory of the national society has found, in reality its first full realization in Fascism. The Fascist Synthesis Fascist doctrine was largely Mussolinis own product. Some os its elements were vital constituents of Mussolinis social and political thought as early as 1904. As he gimself indicated, however, these elements had themselves been constituents of other political or intellectual traditions. The three princical doctrinal sources of the Fascist synthesis are the antiparliamentarian sociological tradition of Gumplowicz, Mosca, Pareto, the radical syndicalist tradition of Sorel, and the nationalist tradition of Corradini. A common provenience and a constellation of historic circumstances bruoght these traditions together in Fascism. What was lacking was a principle of unity, a concept which would articulate these elements into a defensible rationale. That unifying concept was the Gentilean notion of the state; and with its adoption Fascism became the first frank totalitarian movement on the twentieth century. The doctrine of Fascism rests upon the moral priority of the nation and the state as its moral substance against which all other values are relative. Since this is th case, we have notdealt with the varying and various institutions thruogh which the integration of economy was affected. The institutional structure of the Corporative State is far less significant than the hierarchy of values which provided its rationale. Fascists early made it plain that they would use whatever methods proved effective in their effort to integrate the economic, intellectual and political life on the nation into one infrangible unity.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Raising Awareness of Cholesterol Link to CHD

Raising Awareness of Cholesterol Link to CHD This essay will be based around a health promotion activity that was carried out by 6 students, the main focus is health promotion and raising awareness of cholesterol link to CHD. Centre for disease control and prevention (2013), defines cholesterol as a waxy, fat-like substance in the body that is necessary for normal function. In addition, health needs assessment will be identify, continuing with target groups involved with support from relevant epidemiology, demography and national and international policies. It will also outlined aims and objectives, approaches or strategy needs used to identify. Finally evaluation tool to consider the effectiveness of the health promotion activity. When promoting health, health can have different meaning to different individuals. WHO (1946), defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Naidoo and Wills (1998), highlights in order to promote health, it is necessary to prevent disease, improve health and enhanced well-being. Hubley and Coperman (2008), supports this by identifying, health promotion as a process in enabling individuals to increase control over and improve their health, in order to reach a complete physical, mental and social well-being. However, in promoting health, health need assessment is the first step in promoting health activity. According to Cavanaugh and Chadwich (2005), health needs assessment is defined as a systematic process of identifying priority health issues, targeting risk groups in the population with the most needs and taking action in the most cost effective and efficient way. Macdowell, Bowell and Davies (2006), went on to highlights health need assessment is important because it is a recommended tool in providing evidence about a population in which to plan services and address health inequalities. It can also help in strengthening community involvement in decision making by collaborative team work. In carrying out the health need assessment, a target group has to be identify. According to Hubley Coperman (2010), a target group is a section of the community at which the health promotion activities are directed. They went on to suggests, when considering a target group, it is necessary to have some consideration in mind. For instance, ethnic, cultural or age because they all have distinctive needs and their needs changed during life. The target group used for this assignment, age 25-34 was identified from statistics with the aim of trying to prevent the disease before it starts. In tackling health promotion, Scriven (yr), highlights that in preventing ill health for individuals within the population, first try to prevent the problem, prevent the problem by detecting and dealing with the problem and finally preventing the consequences or complications of the problem. Hubley Coperman (2010), highlights a situation assessment not only involves analysing the situation, but also asking why did the situation arose, what factors contributed to the situation and what contribution can health promotion make to improve the situation. UK statistics Epidemiology of coronary heart disease Epidemiology is a study of the population while it provides generalisation. For instance, how much exercise an average person needs. There might be individuals who needs might be different to others because of lifestyle (Heavey, yr). This can pose difficulty for health promotion. Therefore, taking finding from epidemiology and turn them into clear advice such as eating five portion fruits and vegetables per day and reducing saturated fat. However even with limitations, epidemiology is a key discipline in health promotion. It is necessary to understand the problem before action is taken to prevent or promote health (Hubley Copeman, 2010). According to Wright (2010), coronary heart disease is the most common cause of death and premature death in the uk. It has been identify that 1 in 5 men and 1 in 7 women die from CHD and the death rate each year is 94,000. LDL cholesterol widely accepted to be one of the main risk factors for CHD. Of all the key contributors to CHD, high blood pressure, low fruits and vegetables intake physical inactivity high blood cholesterol has been the greatest impact and yet use more than half the people in the western countries have cholesterol level higher than desirable. Mortality rate is 46 percent higher in men and 51 percent higher in women. According to British Heart Foundation (2012), there is around 2.3 million individuals living with CHD. This is due to increase of hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidaemia, along with socioeconomic deprivation and lifestyle (cite). In the UK immigrants from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, have a 50 percent greater risk of premature CHD. However, African-Caribbean population have a lower risk than national average risk of CHD (Naidoo Wills, 1998). International statistics According to the Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing (2014), it was highlighted that results from the National Health and Nutritional examination survey, approximately 3.4 million American adults above 20yrs, have severe hypertryceriaemia above 500. These individuals have a higher risk for developing CHD. As a consequence, CHD, is the leading cause of death for adults in the USA. Furthermore, Roth et al (2010), went on to support this by stating, CHD, cause over 18 million death in the world in 2005. (Wright, 2010). Policy According to the department of health (2010), policy paper healthy lives, healthy people our strategy for public health England, set out implications of health inequalities. Social, environmental, behavioural and biological factors are important influences on health. It highlights in tackling health inequalities, a much broader context needs to be consider. For instance, providing a route for poverty. Naidoo Wills (1998), supports this by highlighting that there are considerable evidence to show low income, inequality, diet, poor housing, lack of health care are factors that contribute to health persistent inequalities and deprivation. There is also a social gradient of health the lower a person’s social position the worse their health. Individuals in disadvantaged areas are more likely to have shorter lives expectancy and a greater burden on health is experience. The policy went on to highlights the gap of up to 27 yrs between the richest and the poorest neighbourhood, and wide variations within areas (Lloyd et al,2007). For example in London Kensignton and Chelsea, a man has a life expectancy of 88 yrs whereas in Tottenham Green, one of the poorest the age is 77 yrs. Obesity, smoking and alcohol misuse are associated with low income and deprivation (Waugh Brooker, 2007). However the gap has been narrowed due to health promotion. People are now more healthier and living longer than before and their level of well-being are as good as those in European countries. Also because of public health innovations such as enhanced nutrition, smoking cessation clinics, cholesterol screening, physical activity to include exercise, has helped to reduce cost and mortality and morbidity rates (Llyod et al, 2007). Also, empowering people and health promotion approaches, it has shown an improvement on individuals and communities behaviour or lifestyle changes. According to Tones (1995), for many health promoters, empowerment at an individual level is a central tenant of health promotion. However, empowerment is a difficult concept to measure (Scriven Orme, 2001). However, Bradshaw (1972), classified four needs normative, felt, expressed and comparative. For this assignment the group identify normative need. According to normative need refers to what expert opinion based on research. For instance, a decision by the GP that a patient needs medication, after cholesterol screening. Approaches It is important when providing health promotion to have an understanding of the approaches. There are five approaches and the group has chosen the behavioural and educational approach. According to Katz et al (2002), behavioural approach encourages individuals to make positive health related changes. For instance, in the workplace it is encourage to use the stairs instead of the lifts. This is beneficial and can help to reduce weight which can have an effect on coronary heart disease. Other targeted lifestyle behaviour that can have impact on coronary heart disease is smoking, alcohol use, diet and nutrition. The aim of this approach is to prevent disease such as heart disease by reduction of associated risk factors such as eating more fruits and vegetables and cutting down on saturated fat. The intention of the educational approach is to provide people with knowledge and information that will enable them to develop the necessary skills to make informed choices about their behaviours. Therefore, communication skills are the key to this approach. Educational approach can be in the form of mass media, and one-one. According to Tones and Tilford (1994), there are many examples of success in enhancing knowledge and information through health education carried out in healthcare settings. One advantage of this approach, it can easily be measured. For instance, survey. With limitation, evaluation of this approach may be difficult. People may have increased their knowledge and understanding of their health behaviour but may not make the necessary change (Naidoo Wills, 2009). Therefore, when health promotion is carried out, aims and objectives need to be followed. They should be specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and time. The group identified several aims and objectives. The aim of the group at the end of the health promotion, was to raise awareness and educate of the danger of cholesterol link to CHD. According to( ) aims are defined as general statement of what the programme is trying to achieve such as reduce inequality as in health promotion. Whereas, the objectives or a target is a statement of proposed change over a fixed period of time. An objective should be measurable. This will allow others to know what is been planned making a decision about its implementation and evaluates. The objectives were as follows: Three risk factors which can increase coronary heart disease Describe what coronary heart disease is. Three complications that can occur because of high cholesterol. Where someone can go to get their cholesterol check. Evaluation Evaluation is a systematic way of learning from experiences and the lesson learnt use it to improve current activities and promote better planning (Scott Western, 1998). Evaluation is also done to measure its effectiveness, whether or not stated objectives has been achieve, and efficiency which is the amount of effort in terms of time, human resources and cost was worth the effort and process evaluation monitoring the progress during the programme which involves to find out if what was done has been achieved (Pender et al, 2006). During evaluation programme different types of evaluation maybe undertaken at different stages including process, impact and outcome. First the process evaluation is undertaken if the aims are to determine the degree to which the programme or its individual components is reaching the target group or the materials and components of the programme are of good quality. Process evaluation is important to undertake in conjunction with impact or outcome evaluation, as it helps to explain better both positive, and negative intervention effect ( Scott Western, 1998). It was highlighted that the health promotion activity objectives has been achieved. For instance, the literature such as questionnaire demonstrated to some extend that the message that was put across which is knowledge and understanding in relation to cholesterol with link to coronary heart disease. It has also shown to be cost effective because the group spend less than the fifteen pounds that was allotted for spending on resources and material used. Some resources were either borrowed or given as gifts. To continue with the impact evaluation, this is referred to as the immediate effect Macdowell et al (2006). The participants’ knowledge and understanding of the subject was successful in most areas as highlighted by the figures after the questionnaires were done. For instance, 100% of people found that the health promotion was useful, 80% were able to list 3 factors which can increase cholesterol level, 100% tick the correct statement to describe coronary heart disease, 95% of people knew where to go to get their cholesterol level check either a GP, clinic, or hospital. The other two questions were at a lower percentage of 50% and 75%. This could have been due to some people may not of understood the question, did not read the question properly or the health promoter was not clear enough or did not explain or was lacking knowledge on the subject. The final theory the outcome, focus on the results or changes brought about by the programme intended or unintended. The choice of outcome to measure is determined by the programme goal (Scott Western, 1998). For example, if the goal is to achieve reducing cholesterol level of understanding the link to coronary heart disease, it will need to be measured before and after. For outcome to be measured it would be difficult for the group because the audience would be difficult to contact at a later date and the setting which was a university was not the best place in educating individuals and to get a follow up. The community clinic or GP would be more appropriate. There were positives that came out of the forum as highlighted by the questionnaires and feedback from other members of groups and tutors. However, it was highlighted some posters were to small, target group were not identified and also one tutor highlighted the target group use from evidence and statistics were not suitable. However, the target group used which was 25-34 was discussed in lectures with our tutor and was told to target individuals from the statistics by preventing the disease before it starts. Word count 2360 needs 2200

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hitcher, Education For Leisure, My Last Duchess, and The Lab Essay

Hitcher, Education For Leisure, My Last Duchess, and The Lab "Hitcher" By Simon Armitage, "Education For Leisure" By Carol Anne Duffy, "My Last Duchess" and "The Lab" by Robert Browning are all poems that deal with violence or the prospect of violence. "Hitcher" is a poem about a man who is angry at being threatened with the sack, he picks up a hitch-hiker and kills him and then leaves him on the road side. The poetic voice seems to be psychotic and also talks about the attack in a casual manner. "Ed for Leisure" also deals with a bitter person who feels he has been let down by society. As he becomes increasingly demotivated, he gets more and more violent ending with leaving the house with a bread knife. Both poets aim to show us that people are unpredictable and innocent people often fall victim to anger that has gone too far. Both of the poems are arranged in stanzas, "Hitcher" contains some full and half rhyme to keep the poem moving but "Education for Leisure" is in free verse with short abrupt lines showing the characters irrational mind. Both authors ch...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Antigone Conflicts Essay -- essays research papers

Conflicts in Antigone   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were three basic conflicts that caused Antigone and Creon to clash as violently as they did. First, was the conflict of the individual versus the state, in which Antigone represented the individual and Creon the king, the state. The second conflict can be described as following ones conscience and ideals versus following the law strictly. In this conflict Antigone makes decisions based on her conscience and ideals while Creon is the strict law abiding king. Finally, the main and most important discord, which is similar to the second conflict, is the debate of moral and divine law versus human law. In this most important contention Creon strictly observes human laws and Antigone follows the divine or moral laws. Creon’s beliefs and his unwillingness to change ultimately cause the downfall of Creon and everyone that he cares about.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Through the three roughly related conflicts we are given a picture of why and for what causes Creon and Antigone combat. Creon represents the laws of the world, while Antigone represents the laws of the soul. This creates obvious conflicts in the course of life. There are certain human laws that are for one reason or another unfair under certain circumstances. One such circumstance presented itself after Polyneices Eteocles, brothers to Antigone, are killed in the Thebes’ civil war. In the eyes of Creon Eteocles chose the noble and correct side in the war while ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Biography of Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas is a Supreme Court Justice, who has been under criticism since the day that he was appointed. Thomas has been chastised for his views on Affirmative Action and his views on African-American†s evolution into the mainstream of our society. Chief Justice Thomas, since his appointment has been marked as a far right conservative. In the beginning of his tenure he was labeled as Chief Justice Scalia†s, â€Å"second vote. † Since then Thomas has removed himself from this shadow to show insight on his own conservative ideas. Clarence Thomas was born on June 23, 1948 in Pin Point, Georgia. Thomas is a child of Mr. M. C. Thomas and Leola Anderson. He grew up in a single-mother household. Thomas†s father abandoned him and his mother, Leola, when he was two. Times were hard for his family, and his mother later sent him and his brother to live with his grandfather, Myers Anderson in Savannah, Georgia. His grandfather instilled in Clarence that education would be his key to unlocking the door to a successful life. He wanted him to overcome the color boundaries that were present during this time in America†s history. Clarence Thomas has an extensive educational background. Thomas attended an all black high school in Savannah before dropping out and enrolling at St. John Vianney Minor Seminary. Thomas withdrew at his grandfathers urging to become a minister. After his graduation form St. John Vianney Minor Seminary he was accepted to Immaculate Conception Seminary. However, he once again withdrew, this time because of the racial events that had occurred while attending. At this time Holy Cross University began recruiting black students and he was accepted. Thomas worked hard to not only succeed and graduate, but to excel in his classes. He graduated ninth in his class at Holy Cross, in 1971. While at Holy Cross, Thomas met Ms. Kate Ambush and they later married. Thomas† only child (Jamal) was as a result of this marriage (Clarence and Kate later divorced in 1984. He has since married to Virgina Lamp, in 1987). Clarence Thomas decided that he wanted to advance his education and applied to Yale Law School. Again, Thomas applied to a university were a minority program was implemented just a few years earlier, and he was accepted. After graduating from Yale Law School Thomas†s future looked bright. While at Yale his emphasis dealt with tax and anti-trust law. Upon Thomas† graduation from Yale he went to work for John Danforth, the attorney general of Missouri. While working for the attorney general Thomas worked in the tax division. In 1977, Danforth was elected to the Senate and Thomas went to work for Monsanto Company as a corporate lawyer in the pesticide and agriculture division. After a couple of years of work for Monsanto, Thomas became a legislative assistant on energy and environmental projects for Senator Danforth. During this time Thomas attracted much attention from the Reagan administration, which landed him a job as assistant secretary for civil rights in the Education Department. President Reagan then promoted Thomas to head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. While at the EEOC, Thomas put the agency in position to enforce law. He also changed administration, policies, and implemented new procedures to improve the agency. Thomas† success as head of the EEOC led to a President Bush appointment to the U. S. Court of Appeals in Washington D. C. as a Judge in 1990. He only served 17 months before being nominated to the Supreme Court by President Bush after the retirement of Thurgood Marshall. An appointment to the United States Supreme Court is for a life term. Therefore, it makes since that the process used to appoint the justices is complete and thorough. The appointment of a Supreme Court justice is made by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. There can be many reasons why a person is to be chosen as a justice to the highest court in the land. Presidents have appointed certain people because of their political ideologies, judicial philosophies, gender, religion, or race. The latter reason played a big role in the appointment of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. Thurgood Marshall, appointed by President Lyndon Johnson as the first black-American to serve on the court, retired in 1991. (Infoplease. com encyclopedia) Then President George Bush, felt pressure to replace this well known minority figure with another African-American. Marshall had served the court from 1967 to 1991, and many minority and political groups, including the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus felt that another minority should take his place. Clarence Thomas was the obvious choice for President Bush, but the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus, who tend to be more liberal, did not necessarily want Thomas to be nominated because of his conservative views. President Bush nominated Thomas for his legal qualifications, and backed his campaign on promising to only appoint individuals who will interpret the law, rather than create it. After the President made this decision, all that was needed was the Senate approval. However, it was not that easy. Perhaps no other recent appointment to the Supreme Court was more controversial than that of Clarence Thomas. The Senate was ready to confirm Thomas† appointment when the Senate Judiciary Committee reopened the hearings to investigate charges of sexual harassment blamed on Thomas. A co-worker named Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment while they worked in two different federal agencies, the Department of Education and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). MSN Encarta. com encyclopedia) Suddenly, many problems surrounded Thomas† bid for the Supreme Court. The timing of the accusations could not have been worse. Although the timing cast a question upon Anita Hill herself. If the supposed harassment took place in the 80's, why was she just now coming forward? Ms. Hill†s answer was that she could not get herself to talk about the topic until she felt obligated to do so. In the Senate hearings Ms. Hill, a law professor, had this to say: I thought that by saying â€Å"no† and explaining my easons, my employer would abandon his social suggestions. However, to my regret, in the following few weeks he continued to ask me out on several occasions. He pressed me to justify my reasons for saying â€Å"no† to him. These incidents took place in his office or mine. They were in the form of private conversations which would not have been overheard by anyone else. (Hill Testimony Transcripts) This statement makes the accusations his word versus hers. Thomas denied any wrong doing and called the televising of the Senate hearings a † ‘high-tech lynching. â€Å"†(MSN Encarta. om Encyclopedia) Finally, the debates ended and Thomas† nomination was confirmed on October 15,1991. Thomas would win because the Senate did verify his appointment to the United States Supreme Court by the â€Å"narrowest affirmation vote for a Supreme Court Justice in this Century. â€Å"(O†Connor & Sabato, 238) The vote was fifty-two in favor and forty-eight against. The Thomas-Hill scandal immediately made Thomas a well known and a closely watched justice. At first, people and the press watched his actions for other reasons than his race or judicial philosophy. More recently, however, people have come to notice his judicial decisions and philosophy more than his actions. Although Thomas† appointment was amidst controversy, he is now stepping out on his own on his ideas. Thomas† has come a long way from his childhood that started in Pin Point and Savannah, Georgia. He is now a Justice on the highest court in the United States. Thomas† term has been brief compared to the tenure of his collogues, but in his mind he has unlocked the door to success, and is walking through it.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lazy Americans

A college professor wrote an article aboyt how she thinks American student are lazy. Different people have different oppinions on this subject. Although many believe that american students are lazy and others believe they are not. I think it just depends on your background, and family life. You cant just judge someone by what they dowithout knowing where they come from. Students from different countries have great work ethics, they pay attention well in class, and do really good on their work. most of their effprt comes from relations with family. For foreign students they come to ameica to study because the education is better so their parents bring them here. Foreign students work really hard , because they came here to study and they think that its a great opportunity. But i have also met some foreign exchange students that are lazy and have really bad work ethics, and i have talked to them and they are having problems at home. Most people tink that american students are lazy, but i have met some really out going Americans. My friend Sarah Doud, she is American and she is a 3. student andshe is a hard working student. I know i kid, his name is lewis. He is a 4. 0 student and is taking way advanced classes and he is american. Those two examples i just gave are American and hard working. And they come from loving families and have loving friends. I have also met some lazy americans as well, but they come from bad families that dont care about their childs grades. There are also the middle students who are American and dont do bad, but dont do good. These students come from families who dont really care about their grades. And its mostly students whos parents travelor are rarely home because of their work. But the students know better than to let their grades slip. These students are self motivated but i dont think that is enough. I think that they need more motivation. There are many lazy students, and there are also many hard working students. I think it just depends on the students family problems if any. Sure habits are hard to break, but there is a reason in the first place why they have those habbits. American teenages need more motivation, because i dont think they get enough.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Nissan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nissan - Essay Example It seemed like no one would be able to revive the company. In 1999 Renault has bought a 37% share of Nissan and announced the merger between two companies. Investing $5,4 billion in Japanese manufacturer falling quickly into the abyss was taken as more than just unwise by skeptics. Nevertheless, executives of Renault were optimistic about the deal. Carlos Ghosn was sent to head the restructuring of Nissan by Renault in June 1999. "Ghosn slashed costs and laid off employees, but also instituted a sweeping reorganization of the entire company, announced an ambitious slate of new vehicles and promised that if Nissan was not profitable in 2000, he and his entire managerial staff would quit"2. Eventually Ghosn has kept his promise and became a CEO of Nissan in 2000. Nissan had lost Japanese market share for 27 years in a row, and was operating at 50% capacity, with far too many suppliers, constant goal changes, poor accounting data regarding product line profitability (later found only 4 of 43 models were making a profit), and goals generally lacked quantitative specificity on amount (eg. "Build a quality product"), timing, or priority.3 The company was dying under the traditional Japanese management. ... innovative and motivating technique; statistical quality control as the key to productive effectiveness; a long planning horizon; and consensus decision making, as a form of participative management4. The Japanese style of management is all about quality. Due to the fact that a lot of American and European companies have successfully implemented Japanese strategies it should be noted that quality is really important when it comes to competitive advantage. Nevertheless, the mistake of Nissan was behind the belief that quality is the only important factor. This mistake was uncovered by Carlos Ghosn. Traditional Japanese management is based on the collective mentality. Individualism is valued less in Japanese companies than in European. Nissan needed drastic changes and cost reduction above all, however the Japanese mentality interdicted the implementation of extreme methods used by Ghosn. Additionally, overlapping net of distributors, which is also a typical feature of the Japanese management strategies, has played a mean joke to Nissan, forcing its distributors to compete with each other. Resuming the subsection, it can be concluded that traditional style of management was ineffective in Nissan. It was like dozens of feuding board members were not able to make an agreement. Changes made by Ghosn The impact made by Carlos Ghosn on the performance of Nissan was great. This Brazilian manager of Lebanese origin used a simple philosophy: "Be transparent and explain yourself in clear, lucid terms. Do as you say you are going to do. Listen first; then think".5 It may seem really simple, however it helped Ghosn to perform greatly in South and North American divisions of Michelin, and then in Renault and Nissan. According to Magee, he "may be the only person to have four

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Globalisation of Logistics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Globalisation of Logistics - Assignment Example By accessing such resources, businesses operating across nations find it easier to price their products and services at favorable prices enabling them to attract and sustain their market share. Additionally, this enables them open up their businesses to broad markers where people have disposable income to spend on various kinds of goods and services. In the wake of globalization, another important feature evident in business activities is increased communications technology, which has spread across different parts on the face of the earth. This has in fact allowed campaigns in international marketing to be effectively coordinated from domestic databases. The mobile phone technology and internet revolution has played an important role in opening new international industries to an endless potential for opportunity (Venkateswaran 2012, p. 78). It is important to realize that globalization has greatly influenced the manner in which people shop. Customers now have a wide potential of goods and services to choose from, having the ability to shop from any place on the globe, something that has produced huge dynamism in tastes and preferences. Following this development, multinational companies have been looking doe better global strategies they can use in creating and sustaining their market share. This paper examines the concept of creation of effective global strategies that these companies can use in the process of creating competitive advantages in the highly globalised business environment. In the wake of globalization, multinational enterprises are faced with the need to formulate and implement an effective global strategy they can rely on in doing business effectively across many countries on the globe (Frear, Metcalf & Alguire 1992, p. 9). These businesses have realized the advantage that comes with a strategy, which effectively correspond to the changing business

Monday, October 7, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 11

Report - Essay Example Various alternate services are available in the new market in terms of usability and value. For example an individual wants to watch an episode of a missed serial via Internet on the computer. This may decrease the use of mobile TV. The era of a dynamic environment also brings challenges for vendors to make considerations regarding consumer preferences. The new market continues to be robust and evolving media, Internet services, mobile communications and consumer electronic products. The mobile TV global ecosystem consists of content providers, aggregators, retailers, service providers, networks, device software solution providers, and device OEMs. It concludes that the mobile TV ecosystem cooperatively provides an end-to-end information services and entertainment that is widespread from permanent and broadband networks above broadband wireless networks for the consumers of mobile devices in the 3rd generation or 4th generation mobile networks. Advanced mobile data networks consist of IPTV and mobile TV services provided by mobile operators in the western countries. A comprehensive definition of IPTV is available on which says â€Å"Internet protocol television (IPTV) is a process of providing television (video and/or audio) services through the use Internet protocol (IP) networks. These IP networks initiate, process, and receive voice or multimedia communications using Internet protocol. These IP systems may be public IP systems (e.g. th e Internet), private data systems (e.g. LAN based), or a hybrid of public and private systems†.Mobile TV is considered as a superb application by stakeholders in the context of falling ARPU and profits of mobile operators. Organizations are involved in content provision and they have learned the technological improvements and advancements along with service availability. These factors lead to adoption globally with high revenue streams. Although the predictions related to the mobile

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Bio-remediation of Oil Spills using Microbes Essay

Bio-remediation of Oil Spills using Microbes - Essay Example Apart from the above, people illegally may dump the pollutants such as the crude oil into the sea. Moreover, terrorists may also cause the oil spills just to destroy the country’s resources. The major victims of the oil spills occurring in the sea would be the aquatic animals and other marine living organisms which include plants under the sea. Thus, cleaning up and recovering from the oil spill are a major tasks and it is mainly based on the factors such as the nature of the oil that is being spilled, the quantity or the amount and the nature of the area being affected. There are different methods for cleaning up the oil spills which ensemble chemical treatment and Bioremediation. Bioremediation is the process of using the microorganisms to break down and remove the pollutants. â€Å"Bioremediation usually involves the use of biological agents to detoxify a contaminated environment† (Thangarajan et al., 2011). Thus, the noxious wastes of the oil spill can be effectivel y treated using microorganisms isolated and selected from the oil-contaminated environments to biodegrade the hydrocarbons in oil spill are a very promising technique for treatment of oil spills. This paper will feature the function of certain species of bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus subtilis and their role in Bio-remediation. Biodegradation by natural population of microorganisms can be considered as one of the primary mechanism by which the oil spills which are rich in petroleum hydrocarbons can be eradicated from the environment. The major success of the oil spills bioremediation mainly depends on the nature of the hydrocarbons and one’s ability to maintain and establish the conditions that favors the growth of the microorganisms in the particular contaminated environment. Therefore, the physical and the chemical characteristic of the oil and the oil spill area are the vital determinants in the bioremediation process. Thus, bioremediation encompasses the accelerated biodegradation in a natural way. Bioremediation techniques can be carried out in two different ways namely the in-situ or ex-situ methods. â€Å"In in-situ processes, the biological remediation is conducted at the contaminated site, whereas in ex-situ processes, the contaminated medium is extracted and processed off-site purification facilities.† (Rezende et al, n.d). Thus, bioremediation involves the processes of biostimulation and bioaugmentation. The Phenomenon of biostimulation comprises of addition of nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous and thereby enhancing the growth of the microorganisms through adjusting the environmental conditions such as the temperature, moisture and aeration etc. Thus, most of the bacterial species such as Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Cornybacterium are able to degrade the contaminants effectively under favorable environmental conditions and enriched nutrient supply. (Salami & Elum, 2008). On the other hand, the ot her phenomenon known as the bioaugmentaion where the microorganisms are able to degrade the specific oil spill contaminants namely the hydrocarbons are also being implemented. Therefore, bioremediation can be clearly understood as the phenomenon that exploits the microbial diversity and their metabolic versatility to convert noxious chemical oil spill contami

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Ip2 1 managing organizational change Research Paper

Ip2 1 managing organizational change - Research Paper Example away from their daily operations, it raises an opportunity of making them focus on the issue at hand, thus making it possible to meet the goal of the organization (Dyer Jr., Dyer, & Dyer, 2013). Time - mostly, meetings go overtime and still some issues are either covered inadequately or not at all. There may be need for more than a day and this may put off members of the community who have other matters to attend to. Information sharing- the R&D organization would get an opportunity to share more information with the community on their desire to improve the performance of the organization. This way, the community also has an opportunity to give ideas on how to achieve this. Silent participants- there is a likelihood of having silent participants hence some significant opinions may be left out. This is because some people are fearful by nature and engaging everyone in such a large meeting may not be possible. Encourage teamwork- such a meeting would be a great opportunity to encourage teamwork among all the involved groups. This is because they will get a chance to brainstorming and together they will come up with

Friday, October 4, 2019

Grit Test Essay Example for Free

Grit Test Essay I guess according the test I am a extremely â€Å"Gritty† individual. It states that I am grittier than 80% of the American Populous. I guess I can attribute that to my military experiences. I will now do my do diligence in answering the question on the lab sheet. Question 1) what difference does age has in your ability to be persistent? I think age has nothing to do with being determined or persistent. It is an inherent trait that is taught. You must learn to not fear and use the emotion to your advantage, and your drive. Question 2) Does it matter how long your attention span is? I think it does, you must learn to focus to succeed in anything, and in today’s society that is discerning and I am concerned. Question 3) Does labeling something as â€Å"fun† and â€Å"easy† matter to your perception of how long and well you could persist on project? No I prefer a good challenge and I enjoy working on project that are challenging. Question 4) If you take pride in your work, do you think you’d persist longer than if you were self-critical. I don’t think I would do as well, if I cared about popularity. I handle my project as a mission and I am mission orientated. Question 5) What about your ability to delay gratification? How might that impact your ability to be persistent? How is the ability to delay gratification related to maturity. How is it related to self-control? How is it related to self- control? How is persistence different from self-control? I am very good at delaying gratification, because of my military training to be â€Å"Companionably Dis-Passionate.† I really think that this question is irreverent to me. I also think it has nothing to do with matuarity, because I know a lot of 40 year old people that act like they are 12. Self-control is a learned inherent traits, that is taught though  discipline and self-pride and determination. Sources Cited: Michelson, B. M./ U.S. Army (2013, September). Character Development of U.S. Army Leaders The Laissez-Faire Approach. Retrieved from This book shows how to develop military leadership and training that can be used to train individuals how to react to any situation a military leader can endure. This book can also help with how we interact in a society that lacks leadership and discipline. Goren, P. (2007). Character Weakness, Partisan Bias, and Presidential Evaluation: Modifications and Extensions. Political Behavior. doi:10.1007/s11109-006-9019-0. Is this article, the author discuss what is makes a strong leader versus a weak leader, and he discusses the issues in our governments policies and how strong and week presidents and leaders can make our break a government.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Marlowes Doctor Faustus Analysis Predetermination And Free Will

Marlowes Doctor Faustus Analysis Predetermination And Free Will Sinfield has discussed about Calvinism, underpinning the Elizabethan orthodoxy which would regard Faustus not as damned because he makes a pact with the Devil, but as making a pact with the Devil because he is already damned.(353) He very well portrays the idea that because Faustus got involved in a sin, he was bound to be damned. At another instance his claim, If Faustus doesnt have it, there is nothing he can do. (355) nullifies any possibility of justifying his wrong conduct. At times it cannot be called a Calvinist play as God is exceedingly good in gifts, until the Faustus becomes a victim of his insatiable desire even when God is willing to forgive, if he repents. But Faustus intentionally refuses all the aid and goes down to damnation. Doctrine of Calvinism was on rise in England and under the direction of Puritan theologian. Calvinism means theological first promoted by John Calvin in (150 9-1564 ).He was one of leaders of Protestant reformation. It laid the foundation for reformed theology. Calvinism is contrasted with Lutheranism with which it divided the heritage of the Reformation. Calvinism and Lutheranism both discussed the principles of predestination and justification by faith. Calvinism sees God in all life activity and also in salvation. In first place predestination is not formative principle of Calvinism, it has only logical implications. It is not the root from which Calvinism springs out, but acts as branch of Calvinism. By the end of Act 1, Faustus appears to have made up his mind to sell his soul to the devil in exchange for twenty-four years in which he will live in all voluptuousness (1.3.94). Act 2, Scene 1 opens with another soliloquy in a long soliloquy, Faustus reflects on the most rewarding type of scholarships. He considers law, quoting the Byzantine emperor Justinian, but dismisses the law as too petty, dealing with trivial matters rather than larger ones. Divinity, the study of religion and theology, seems to offer wider vistas, but he quotes from St. Jeromes Bible that all men sin and finds the Bibles assertion that [t]he reward of sin is death an unacceptable doctrine. He then dismisses religion and fixes his mind on magic, which, when properly pursued, he believes will make him a mighty god (1.62). In Act1 Scene1, the lines Thinks thou that I, who saw the face of God, and tasted the eternal joys of heaven, Am not tormented with ten thousand hells in being deprived of everlasting bliss?, establish the fact the Faustus had given up on his fate and believed that he is the master of his own destiny. While the predestination involved a complete dependency on God and advocated for supremacy of Gods free will, Faustus wanted to challenge the sovereignty of God and experiment his own free will. He took a different route in principles other than the natural logic of salvation process professed by his friends and other scholars. He relied on the strength of human effort alone. Faustus had mastered all the subjects he read. This play emphasizes the fact that knowledge when misutilized can lead to destruction. Faustus wanted to study magic instead metaphysics. He gained knowledge through evil. Faustus possessed insatiable thirst for knowledge and fanaticism and showed deep interest in necromancy. Faustus rejected traditional study and turned towards magic and wanted to practice necromancy. He looked forward to the advantages which he would gain as a magician. He was a Renaissance man and experienced inner conflict, when the good angel dissuades him from practicing magic. The evil angel wanted that he should go forward and practice magic. Doctor Faustus is a Christian tragedy as Marlowe has depicted human soul as a battle field. Doctor Faustus is a victim of his conceptions and misconception. As is true throughout the play, however, Marlowe uses Faustuss own words to expose Faustuss blind spots. In his initial speech, for example, Faustus establishes a hierarchy of disciplines by showing which are nobler than others. He does not want merely to protect mens bodies through medicine, nor does he want to protect their property through law. He wants higher things, and so he proceeds on to religion. There, he quotes selectively from the New Testament, picking out only those passages that make Christianity appear in a negative light. He reads that [t]he reward of sin is death, and that [I]f we say we that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there is no truth in us (1.40-43). The second of these lines comes from the first book of John, but Faustus neglects to read the very next line, which states, If we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousn ess (1 John 1:9). Thus, through selective quoting, Faustus makes it seem as though religion promises only death and not forgiveness and so he easily rejects religion with a fatalistic What will be, shall be! Divinity, adieu! (1.48). Meanwhile, he uses religious language-as he does throughout the play-to describe the dark world of necromancy that he enters. These metaphysics of magicians / and necromantic books are heavenly (1.49-50), he declares without a trace of irony. Having gone upward from medicine and law to theology, he envisions magic and necromancy as the crowning discipline. Sinfiled as a critic has argued that God is silent on this occasion as he writes, If Faustuss heart is hardened and he cannot repent, who has hardened it? (356). Besides this Faustuss repentance is insincere, and that he consistently fails to repent not because he is suffering from theologically-induced despair, but because he is afraid of the devils and constantly distracted by the frivolous entertainments they stage for him, like the pageant of the seven deadly sins which follows this episode. One could argue as well that the play does represent the Christian God as loving and merciful, and shows human beings to be free to shape their own spiritual destinies. The Good and Evil Angels, after all, seem to give dramatic form to Faustuss freedom to choose: he has a choice between good and evil, and he chooses evil in full knowledge of what the consequences will be. As late as Act 5, Scene 1, the Old Man appears on stage to drive home the availability of Gods mercy if only Faustus will sincerely repent his sins. Looked at from this perspective, it is Faustus and not God who is responsible for the terrible fate that greets him at the close of the play. Conclusively, Marlowe has planned the demise of Faustus in such a way that the argument, There are two traps in the play. One is set by God for Dr.Faustus; the other is set by Marlowe, for God. (361) holds true. Doctor Faustus is an Elizabethan tragedy. The play deals with the will of God and the hero defies it. The main focus is on human will. Faustus brings tragedy for himself. Faustus decides to follow the path as told by Valdes and Cornelius and practices black magic. Faustus himself calls Mephistopheles. This can be inferred as a fact supporting predestination from the lines, Mephistopheless intervention would be part of Faustuss punishment within the divine predestination.(354)Out of pride Faustus seeks world of profit, delight and power. Faustus signs pact with Mephistopheles to enjoy worldly pleasure. In the Prologue and through the first chorus his doom is before us in clear and emphatic terms. We are that swollen with pride in his attainments , he forgets about salvation. (354) Mephistopheles by responding to Faustus demands, gives answers on Hell, makes him invisible so that he can irritate Pope who was at a feast in the company of the Cardinal of Lorraine. So it was destined by God to put Mephistopheles to make full use of pride and bringing damnation and ultimately death of Faustus. This is evident from Sinfields discussion on point of having a Good Angel as, The role of the Good Angel is to tell Faustus what he ought to do but cannot, so that he will be unable to claim ignorance when God taxes him with wickedness. Sinfield raises the possibility that the play was written to embarrass Protestant doctrine.(358) He also wrote If Faustus was guided by Mephistopheles, the decision was Gods. For Protestant thought could not tolerate devils wandering around the world at whim: God does not just allow their activities, he contracts out tasks to them. There exists many contradictions in the play but eventually one may feel as imperfections exist in human so why not in a character of a play. The ultimate authority to decide lies in the hands of the readers. Last not the least Sinfields thought substantial texts are in principle likely to be written across ideological faultlines because that is the most interesting kind of writing; they may well not be susceptible to any decisive reading. (359) is more convincing.