Friday, July 26, 2019

Nursing assigment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nursing assigment - Essay Example Bearing these in mind, the significance of evidence-based practice is highly valuable in proving that health practices are safe for the public and cost-effective. In this paper, barriers and possible resolution of gaps between nursing research and their application are tackled, as well as their utilization through standardized clinical guidelines in relevantly managing smoke cessation in clinical settings. Discrepancies in Evidence-Based Practice Despite the long emergence of concepts in evidenced-based practice in health care sectors, success in fully translating research outcomes into care practices seemed lagging in progress. At large, four main sectors contextually represent the barriers to research employment: â€Å"health-care professional related, organizational-related, research related, and presentation-related† (Chau, Lopez, & Thompson, 2008, p.640). Each division indicates specific areas of clinical problems that probably weaken health professionals in fully respond ing to the positive sides brought about by solid research results. Health-care associated factors may range from personal demographics (educational level, social and economic status), personal characteristics and values, such as knowledge seeking behaviors to further one’s practice. With organizational barriers, these comprise viewpoints of affiliated institutions on its commitment to research adaptation and dissemination, facility maintenance, hierarchical culture and authority for change, administrative support, and lack of opportunities to develop and acquire research resources. As of research-related interference and presentation, types and comprehensiveness of research contents affect professional perceptions, including comparison of previous and present research for results and conflicting thoughts. As such, there is increased tendency to reject research composition and presentation should data fail to meet practical health needs of clinical personnel that research team s aim at satisfying. In more ways, the concerted results of practical nursing barriers create disparities that may unintentionally provide nurses with concrete excuses not to change their old ways. Common among perceived nursing barriers to full research application are said to be generated from organizational, and professionally-related factors. Funk, Tornquist and Champagne (1995, p.397) emphasized â€Å"insufficient authority to (clinical practice) change...and insufficient time to implement new ideas† as primary sources of research to practice discrepancies. The prevailing culture of inflexible organizational structures in most clinical institutions restricts the attitude of change and resource availability in such settings. Elaborately, it also affects sufficiency of time required to search, read, and substantially absorb relevant information from research journals and related materials. To top these off, Cummings, et al. (2007, p.S33) revealed the nature of occupation n urses suffers, where most of the time, exhaustion in both physical and emotional aspects reduce their quality of professional care. There is difficulty, then, to acquire suitable skills in search for relevant studies due

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