Monday, November 18, 2019

Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Change Management - Essay Example â€Å"While participation in Internet doubled from 1982 to 1992†¦the irony is that the key communication technologies are, at best, in their infancy in developing or less developed countries† (Olaniran 65). Many companies in such developing countries as India and Kenya are reluctant to change the communication practices that have been in use for decades. However, as the workforce is getting more trained and educated, a positive change is expected and has already started to show up in many organizations in these countries. An effective way to reduce the employee resistance is by allowing them to get involved and participate in the change management process. This can be achieved if the employees are taken into confidence. Managers should develop and engage the employees in unfreezing activities. â€Å"Unfreezing activities normally involve group activities designed to confront existing group behavior. These may take the form of training interventions, team talks, evangelic al speeches, or some other form of activity† (Collins 60). Managers should arrange meetings with the employees where they all can be addressed at once. Managers should ensure that all employees attend the meeting. In the meeting, the managers should explain the need of introducing the change to the employees and why and how the old system is not letting the organization achieve its objectives. The managers should not only demonstrate the need of change but also show how individualistic efforts of the employees working at different levels in the organization will contribute to the organizational success. A very important point that a manager should keep in mind while addressing the employees is not to underestimate or overlook the role of any employee in the change introduction and the management process. Ideally, the manager should encourage the employees to come up with ideas that could further enhance the manager’s plan of introducing and managing the change. Construc tive ideas should not only be appreciated but also be incorporated into the change implementation process. This would serve as an incentive for other employees to share their positive opinions with the manager and also boost their confidence as well as motivation to help the manager implement the change. â€Å"Participatory measures such as team working and high-involvement work practices demonstrate improvements in performance†¦Performance changes may occur because participation leads to changed attitudes which lead to higher performance† (Summers and Hyman). Before conducting the meeting, the manager should try to identify the employees whose interests would be affected by the introduction of change, and tend to modify the change plan in a way that causes minimum loss to those employees while enhancing the overall efficiency of other employees and the organization as a whole. However, â€Å"[i]n any change, especially ones that affect a complete organization, it is im possible to involve every employee in each decision† (Heathfield), so the manager should not change the plan in an attempt to satisfy everyone. Once the employees have been sufficiently addressed and convinced through such meetings, the manager shou

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