Thursday, February 27, 2020

Grant Proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Grant - Research Proposal Example stand that democracy is one of the main factors that have made countries such as United States, Britain, France, Japan, etc to be highly industrialized. This is because democracy is able to promote accountability in the governance system of a state. This in turn will minimize corruption, as well as encourage the administrators of a state to work hard, for the purposes of satisfying the various needs of the population. Furthermore, a democratic country has political stability, and the justice system serves every member of the society equally. This research is also interested in this concept of democratization, mainly because of the effects that face countries which are not democratic. For instance, in the year 2007, Kenya was able to experience deadly post election violence because of the undemocratic nature of its leaders (Iraki, 212). The elections were conducted, and because of serious breaches of election laws, President Kibaki won, amid opposition from his competitors. Kenya is not the only country to experience violence because of undemocratic behavior. Other countries include Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe, etc (Kilonzo, 247). Democracy is therefore an important element that countries have to practice in cas e they need to promote political stability, as well as economic development. This paper seeks to analyze democracy and democratic consolidation in Zimbabwe and Kenya. Zimbabwe is a country found in Southern Africa, and it is under the leadership of President Robert Mugabe, who took power in 1987 (Derman and Randi, 37). There are two main political parties in Zimbabwe, ZANU PF, led by President Mugabe and Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) that is led by Morgan Tsvangirai. Robert Mugabe has always been accused of undemocratic practices; initiating policies that would make him cling to power (Derman and Randi, 37). For example, in the 2008 elections of Zimbabwe, there were a variety of irregularities, and this led to the declaration of

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