Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Personal Feelings of Self Worth Essay - 579 Words

People’s self-esteem either high or low is shaped by their life experiences. I believe a person’s self-esteem begins to take shape at an early age, with their parents being a major influence. Kind, positive, knowledgeable and caring parents help children create a positive self-image. Parents who do not feel good about themselves or others, sometimes take it out on their childern by belittling them or discouraging them. This leads the child down a path of self-doubt and eventually given the right circumstances a lower self-esteem. My parents where very overprotective which sounds good on the surface, but this caused me to feel unequal to my peers since my parents would not let me play sports or even go on a field trip one time because†¦show more content†¦If that was not enough to deal with, I also have red hair and freckles so I was constantly teased about my appearance. All this contributed to my own lack of self-confidence and a feeling that I was not as good as my peers. These are some experiences that have shaped my self-esteem. I do not portend to make excuses for myself; I only want to illustrate that you can let these experiences either motivate you or de-motivate you, the choice is always yours. I let these life experiences de-motivate until I came to the realization that you should not let others determine your fate or what you can achieve. Years ago I read a passage in a book by: â€Å"Louise L. Hay† she said; every morning you can get up and look in the mirror and decide what kind of day you are going to have.† The beauty of it is, you can get up the following morning and decide all over again. This is a powerful statement, letting us know we have the power to control our feelings and shape our outlook on life. If you are telling yourself positive things, it will help you build a positive self-esteem. 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