Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Reframing Organizations Artistry and Leadership †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Reframing Organizations Artistry and Leadership. Answer: Introduction: As per my evaluation about asking someone (who is my sister), who knows me very well, the results are being evaluated. Considering: Influence: As per my sister, it is one of those factors on which every person agrees too. I am an emotional person who is always carried out by the thoughts of happening anything wrong. Whenever my friends try to take me to anything wrong, I get easily influenced. It is tough for me to deny which makes me a complete failure. It is important for me to take my decisions myself and suppress the compressing power of others. Process: As per my sister, I have a strong power to convince my parents for any new clothing or gifts. I am happy when they are easily carried away by my thoughts and take me and my sister for shopping. There is a requirement of improving such skills as well so that some other people do not take due advantage for the same. Relationship: As per my sister, to improve the work relationship, my sister has always asked me to be a good listener and try to communicate. But due to the shy nature, I am hesitant to talk to the different groups, with different thoughts, as some of their thoughts ruptures my feeling to understand the point. Service: As per my sister, I always try to help the other people as and when needed without anything in return. This is bad sometimes, because people start taking due advantage and then this leads to the issues both at work and home. Insights As per my evaluation, I feel that my sister knows me better on all the matters than I do. She understands me very well and I have to take all her points into consideration so that I am able to handle myself. On the points related to the influence and relationship, it gets tough for me also to handle the decisions taken by the others and be influenced by them. Sometimes, the relationship improvement helps me getting my work done easily and it helps me closer to the other people as well. The processing is also a best quality according to me, where at work, it becomes easy for me to proceed with the different standards in an easy manner. Along with this, I am also handling the different processes which are encouraged by the different people at work. The services that I deliver to the customers are important to be of the best quality and for this, it is important to improve the level of customer satisfaction. This comes with the development and implementing some of the effective strategi es. They are based on the concerns related to the firm working towards the targeted marketing areas. As per the evaluation from my friends, there is certainly some other feedback when it concerns to maintain the relationship. According to my friends and colleagues, the judgement of them is that due to my shy nature, I stay to be a good listener only, and do not represent my opinion. In corporate world, it is important that the individual works towards the working and improving the standards by properly communicating. The power to convince my manager and the other colleagues also get low as there is no proper relation that could be maintained with them. Conclusion Hence, the leadership qualities are important for an individual as this not only helps in the improvement of the life of an individual but effectively work on the concerns that relate to provide the best services to the customers as well. (Bolman Deal, 2017). Leadership is important for the proper growth and the judgement that leads to handle the marketing areas as per the concerned progress. The work processes are based on working over the ways where the people are important to execute the different things and work towards the improvement of the planning and the decision-making process. (Daft, 2014). References Bolman, L. G., Deal, T. E. (2017).Reframing Organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley Sons. Retrieved from https://books.google.co.in/books?=fndpg=PR9dq=Leadership+ots=uRpV6ciHG1sig=s_f7T4-2xQwSVaEWFKvd2HqIpaU Daft, R. L. (2014).The leadership experience. Cengage Learning. Retrieved fromhttps://books.google.co.in/books?hl=enlr=id=DzYeCgAAQBAJoi=fndpg=PR4dq=Leadership+ots=No8ObgJk2rsig=6fOcxV6PLClJT1yiAkRjp5FCXys#v=onepageq=Leadershipf=false

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