Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Damage Of The American Dream Character Analysis

The Damage of the American Dream The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, wonderfully shows how the values of characters in the novel set the time period of the 1920s. The major characters in the story has clear motives and values which helps the reader understand high society before The Great Depression, and give a clear indication that the theme of the book is a twisted view of the American Dream. Nick Carraway is the first persona we are introduced to and arguably the most important; as he is the narrator of the book. He is a down to earth, non-judgemental man that comes from a wealthy family in the mid-west. Nick longs for excitement after returning from The Great War and decides to take up the bond business in New York. Nick is one†¦show more content†¦The most blatant offense is pinning the murder of Myrtle Wilson on Gatsby, but there is a more complex example. Fitzgerald stated in chapter one â€Å"No- Gatsby turned out alright in the end; it is what preyed on Gatsby, what foul dust that floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elations of men.† (7). In my opinion, the foul dust that floated behind Gatsby’s dreams was Daisy herself. She was Gatsby’s dream, and his dream was the American Dream, but Gatsby’s illusion that she would bring him happiness is what shatt ered him. Daisy wasn’t able to make tough decisions The man who lends his name to the book itself, Jay Gatsby, is the main player in this worlds stage. Everything that he does in the book is a vain effort to get reunite with a woman he dated for a month five years ago. The only problem is that Jay wanted more from Daisy than she could possibly offer. It wasn’t enough to say that she loved Gatsby, she had to have never loved Tom. Gatsby is thought provoking in that he wasn’t a person of high birth brought a reverse of fortune because of his weak character, his demise was because of the people he tried to imitate; a crowd of rich hypocrites that would sneer at a man like him only because of the courage his liquor gave them. Gatsby is the ultimate representation of the American Dream up until a little before his death. He literally and figuratively made a name forShow MoreRelatedTextual Analysis of Alexie’s â€Å"Because my Father Always Said...†1683 Words   |  7 Pages Textual Analysis Essay Textual Analysis of Alexie’s â€Å"Because my Father Always Said...† America truly is the salad bowl of cultures from around the whole world. However, there is often times a dominating cultural structure that makes it difficult to attain peace among the diverse cultural groups of America. 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